Peshawar’s Gem Dealers
Peshawar’s Gem Dealers
Between Pakistan’s reserves of gems and the flow of gems from neighboring Afghanistan, there is no shortage of products for Peshawar’s gem dealers. However, they face an uphill battle in selling their products. Few foreigners visit Peshawar as it is, and even fewer are willing to make the trip to visit Peshawar’s gem market, Namak Mandi. Many have turned to online sales, but buyers in the west are hesitant to trust a merchant from Pakistan. Even when sales are made, shipping options are limited as companies such as UPS, DHL, and FedEx refuse to transport and insure gems.
Most of their customer base is dealers they have met at international gem shows. But the shows have become more difficult for them to attend. Despite having previously lived and worked in the United States for over 5 years, Sabir Rasool’s visa application to attend The Tucson Gem, Mineral & Fossil Showcase, considered to be the largest gem show in the world, has been pending for close to a year now.
When his son, Daud, attended a gem show in Munich, he had to fly to Paris first and take an overnight bus across the border because Germany would not grant him a visa. Between flights, transportation, show fees, shipping gems to the show, and lodging, the excursion cost Daud over 5000 euros. A lackluster show netted him only 2700 euros in profit. Not even enough to cover the cost of coming. He’ll have to hope that the sales he did make represent customers that will work with him in the future.